About Us

Who We Are

Grace Bible Fellowship is a small congregation of believers who genuinely love the Lord Jesus and one another. We are not members of any denomination or religious organizations, however we do fellowship with other Bible  believing churches in our area. Our church family consists of people from all ages whom the Lord has Providentially brought together. 

While our services have an organized format, we are not a liturgical church that uses formal religious traditions. We sing a combination of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses that lift up Jesus in exaltation and worship. There are several opportunities at each service for the members to participate. 

When we gather for our services it is with the deliberate attempt to worship the Lord with our minds and hearts. The Bible is presented with the purpose of making it applicable to the lives of God's people. 


Our History

On October 7, 1975, seven men met for the purpose of forming a new assembly in which God's Word might be preached unhindered. The Civic Center in Graham, NC was secured on a rental basis until a more permanent location could be established. The following year in May, the small congregation purchased the present facility on Trail 8 and Moran Street. The Lord has been pleased to sustain this body of believers who function as Grace Bible Fellowship. 


What We Believe

The BIBLE is the inspired Word of God. The New Testament is our only authoritative rule for faith and practice. 

All MANKIND is born spiritually dead. Therefore no one has the will nor the ability to come to God in his own strength. 

God is sovereign in His creation, providence and salvation. 

Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, willingly died as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of those whom the Father gave to Him. 

SALVATION cannot be merited by our supposed "good works", but is entirely a gift of God's free grace. God requires man to repent of his sins, and commit himself by faith to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Salvation, once received, cannot be lost. All true believers will persevere in the faith and in a godly lifestyle. 


Our Purpose

To exalt the God of grace

To humble the pride of man

To promote genuine holiness

To serve the Sovereign King

To grow in Christian love


Service Times

Click here to see our service times.


Contact Us

Click here to view our contact information.


Our Elders

We have three elders that lead our church: Ricky Bailey, Jon Webster and Ken Harman


Upcoming Events

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